Difference in health care practice

Published on 31 August 2023 at 13:40

One of the most impactful learning experience was the difference in practice compared to the United States. The difference between America and Nicaragua was astounding. Seeing how the doctors have to handwrite everything rather than have the ability to use a computer to type as well as the difference in sanitary conditions were quite noticeable. Some of the vets would do spays and neuters without gloves. The sharps containers were usually old coke bottles. The operating room was way less regulated. Some clinics didn’t even have bathrooms. Yet with all these difficulties the providers and the patients were always sweet and kind.


Another big difference is the ability of involvement that a volunteer can have. In the U.S the most I could really do as a volunteer was give blankets to patients, spend time with them, order them meals from the cafeteria, etc. But very rarely was I able to do any hands on activities. Within Nicaragua, with supervision, I was able to perform pap smears, insert IVs and shots into dogs, intubate dogs, and so much more. Some of my volunteer peers were even able to participate in surgeries, very minimally of course. For the caesarean sections I was able to shadow they allowed phones into the operating room and multiple people, whereas in the U.S the operating room has many limitations.  


We were also granted the ability to have an emergency department doctor from the U.S come with us on the trip and also help provide us with guidance and advice. It was very useful to have him around to help compare with first hand knowledge how things are done in the U.S compared to Nicaragua.

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